Doc Schott & Band

Again we have the privilege of welcoming another great friend of ours live in McMahon’s B’Irish Pub on stage. Doc Schott & Band will be an absolute highlight as always! Michael aka “Doc” Schott will be playing songs with friends from his new album “Songs from the Dark Night.” His voice can be compared to a mixture between Tom Petty, Nick Cave and Bob Dylan. His songs and music can touch the very soul of you! Of course a number of other big cover hits will be played from the Rolling Stones, Neil Young and Bobby Dylan ……

We are delighted and excited to have Doc Schott & Band on stage in McMahon’s B’irish Pub!

For sure Seán and David will join in on stage for a grand come all ye! A great night of music is as always guaranteed!

We have no cover charge (kein Eintritt) but musicians need to be paid! We would kindly ask each of you to give 10€ to the hat for the musicians (Jeder von euch der die Musik anhört 10€ bitte!)

Koana von uns meckt fia unta a Mindestlohn arbeiten oda?



Dec 27 2024


8:00 pm - 11:00 pm


McMahon's B'Irish Pub
Markt Straße 1, 84092 Bayerbach

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