The Half Bottles Beatles Revival Band- Paul Solecki (Hawaii) & Phil Newton (Liverpool)

Our great friends Paul Solecki (we are so lucky) and Phil Newton are coming to us for a night of really magic music. Both guys play together in a large formation of 4 as The Bottles – a Beatles revival band and are both top class musicians who will entertain you at the highest level with songs from the Beatles and many other hits from the 60s 70s 80s 90s and the nullers. Paul and Phil also play solo and with a number of other constellations. Both are also fantastic singer songwriters and will perform some of their own music. Check out their web pages and


We are delighted and excited to have Paul and Phil on stage in McMahon’s B’irish Pub!


For sure Seán and David will join in at some stage for a grand come all ye! A great night of music is as always guaranteed!


We have no cover charge (kein Eintritt) but musicians need to be paid, so we as always pass around a hat and hope you will be generous towards the band and put about 10€ in to show your appreciation.


Koana von uns meckt fia unta a Mindestlohn arbeiten oda?


Wenn das Wetter mitspielt werden wir im Biergarten sein, bitte die Jacken nicht vergessen!


Jul 13 2024


7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


McMahon's B'Irish Pub
Markt Straße 1, 84092 Bayerbach

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